I Have to Write a Paper, “What Are Some Causes and Effects of Teenage Drug and Alcohol Abuse?”?

Question by mzduncan1999: I have to write a paper, “What are some causes and effects of teenage drug and alcohol abuse?”?
I would appreciate any ideas or comments. This paper is for one of my college classes and some outside imput would br great.

Best answer:

Answer by QueenBean
Bored, unsupervised children without a developed sense of imagination. Having no choice they follow others down a path of ridiculously obvious pitfalls. Also television and movies make this pathetic option for a life style seem entertaining and financially lucrative. How deceptive the entertainment media is!

Add your own answer in the comments!



Teen Addiction: Prevent Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Mental Health Guru) – Knowing the signs of addiction can make it possible for parents to get their children into addiction treatment, like drug rehab. mental.healthguru.com


Gender differences found in substance abuse habits among Mexican Americans

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Hispanic men and women are decidedly different, even when it comes to substance abuse, suggests a study that compared Mexican-American men and women. During the research, alcohol was found to be the number one abused substance among …
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Campus Marijuana Use at 'Epidemic' Levels

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

For parents who are sending their children off to this atmosphere of alcohol and drug use there are some things that you can do to lower the risks. The first and most important step is to talk to your children about the dangers of the college drinking …
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From Twitter:

Alcohol and Drug Abuse!!! – by Lhan_Rey (???????)


From Twitter:

Wilmington News | VIDEO: UD focuses on student alcohol abuse: Steering students away from alcohol and drug abuse is… http://t.co/PMMlgzxQ – by wilmingtonbuzz (Wilmington Buzz)


From Twitter:

So because I have to take an alcohol and drug abuse test my mom jokingly called me an alcoholic… SHE KNOWS! – by ShelseeLynn (Shelsee Armstrong)