What Insecurities Do You Have That Were Developed During Your Childhood?
Question by Zappa Fan: What insecurities do you have that were developed during your childhood?
Describe how they continue to play themselves out in your life. Be as specific as you can.
Describe in detail what happened to you to cause these insecurities.
Best answer:
Answer by Mitch3ll
Betrayed by close friends, matters of the heart. people i trust backstabbing me.
Being a Pessimistic
Games and laughter were few to me, but treasured like God. And the dark days i’ve been through.
Negative thoughts
It’s hard to think Positively, cause most of the happenings in my Life are and were full of Negativity. So i got “used” to it.
We all have them don’t we?
Was neglected as a child. Grew up in a torn apart family. My father was an abuser.
Everything i’ve written on here and to add one last, is cause i didn’t had any true or loyal friends. to this day.
I didn’t had a good childhood. It was like a nightmare come true.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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