Work/Life Issues Really Depend on What Kind of Job You Have

Work/Life Issues Really Depend On What Kind of Job You Have

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Women without children and mothers with non-traditional caregiving arrangements are treated worst of all….. Overall, the studies found consequences for any employee who violated traditional gender roles when it came to having a family. The least …
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Sessions takes on Rubio: 'It's not about just passing something; it's about

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

“This is the whole problem: it's not about just passing 'something' and telling the American people we've fixed the problem. It's about actually fixing the problem,” Sessions said in a statement Friday evening. The Senate voted down Iowa Republican Sen.
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Tanzania: Situation Remains Fragile in Kagera's Charge Against Malaria

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

The national day, which was held in Kagera, marked the phasing out of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and amodiaquine (AQ) and kicked off the use of ACTs in the fight against malaria, with clear targets to cut alarming deaths of children. ACTs cost …


Should Hospital Residency Programs Be Expanded to Increase the Number of

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Thanks to baby boomers, the population over 65 will have doubled between 2000 and 2030. And next year, when the Affordable Care Act takes full effect, up to 32 million new patients will seek access to medical care, many of whom will need treatment for …
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