What Legal Way Can I Get Someone to Go to Rehab Without Them Signing a Consent?

Question by Bianka: what legal way can i get someone to go to rehab without them signing a consent?
I want to get my mom into some kind of rehab for her drug use. I live in CC Tx. I need somewhere that they can come and get her because she doesn’t think anything is wrong (of course). I am tired of it and don’t want to continue seeing her like this. I am 17 so i still can’t move out but i want her to get help so that when i leave for my university i can know my little sister will be safe.

Best answer:

Answer by rkbtoo
you legally cant force someone to go to rehab without their consent

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Russian anti-drugs crusader under growing pressure

Filed under: drug rehabs in texas

When Michael Blair was sent to death row for the infamous murder of a 7-year-old Texas girl, he insisted he never killed anyone. More than a decade later, genetic testing showed he was telling the truth.More >>. When Michael …. The center Roizman …
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