What Is the Best Drug Rehab Institution in Beaver Falls, PA?

Question by bayley n_n: What is the best drug rehab institution in Beaver Falls, PA?
My father has been using meth for years now. My mom divorced him because of his addiction. I swear, my dad is a good father and the only problem that I can see in him is his substance abuse. I know he loves us dearly but he can’t improve his condition all by himself. I hope you can help me locate the best drug rehab here in our place. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Niki
Many times rehab is more effective for people if they get out of their hometowns, preferably far enough away to not be in contact with the people they are doing drugs with or getting drugs from.

With that in mind, there is a VERY good treatment center in Beaver Falls. It is called Gateway Beaver Falls and I have heard that it is very good. Here’s their contact information:


I wish you and your family the best of luck, and hope that your father can find himself again.

Answer by cassie f
I hope all kids are like you. It’s really difficult to have parents involved with drug addiction. Although we know that they are good parents, it is still best to help them cope with their addiction to live normally and happily. Try contacting health agencies or doctors near you area to know the contacts of drug rehabs near your house. In addition, try seeking help from organizations who specialize in drug rehabilitation. I hope everything will be fine. Good luck.

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