What Are Some Places in Ohio(Near Cleveland) to Help People Who Have Used Inhalants?
Question by ktdbir: What are some places in Ohio(Near Cleveland) to help people who have used inhalants?
it for a D.A.R.E. projecs! we have to pretend that one of our friends has taking inhalants and they need to go to the hospital right away. I need to find a place to go after they get out to help them to stop using inhalants!
Best answer:
Answer by Mags
Trusting that you are gathering information only, check this site from the Cleveland Clinic.
Check this state of Ohio website:
Lastly, here is a link to a page of listings from Crain’s Cleveland Business:
You can also check with Glenbeigh which is an outpatient center:
CLEVELAND, OHIO-drug rehab florida — http://www.transformationstreatment.com/alcohol-rehab/alcohol-rehab-in-cleveland-ohio/ Welcome to Cleveland: the second-biggest city in the state of Ohio. Ju…
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