synthetic marijuana

Ted Nugent, Guitarist and Gun-Lover, Rocks the Political World

Ted Nugent, guitarist and gun-lover, rocks the political world

Filed under: Texas Drug Rehabs

The couple and their 13-year-old daughter stayed in the auditorium to hear Nugent's speech, the final address of a roster that included Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Oliver North and Texas Gov. ….. Instead of drugs, Nugent did guns. In the early days, his …
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Daniels admits drug use

Filed under: Texas Drug Rehabs

In that post, Daniels admitted to multiple failed drug tests that cost him his athletic scholarship at Texas Tech and wrote that at one point he underwent rehab. He wrote of financial troubles, alienation from family members and his decision not to …
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The Serious Consequences Of Synthetic Marijuana Usage

Filed under: Texas Drug Rehabs

7, 2012, 16-year-old Emily Bauer of Cyprus, Texas, complained of a migraine and decided to take a nap after allegedly smoking synthetic marijuana with her friends. Emily supposedly woke up from her slumber an entire different person in respect to …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)