substance abuse

Preventing Substance Abuse Topic for Kiwanis

Preventing substance abuse topic for Kiwanis
Also joining Gillespie to explain the local efforts to help the community fight substance abuse were New Canaan Police Sgt. Carol Ogrinc, LFCRAC Assistant Director Kathy Brown and New Canaan Cares' Meg Domino. "We all benefit tremendously from the …
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Film showing to address drug abuse
Holmes, a practicing pediatrician in St. Albans, Vermont, had been focusing on substance and prescription drug abuse for several years after a 16-year-old boy he knew came into his office asking for help with his pain killer addiction, according to O …
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Crime drops with new police force in gritty Camden
"A byproduct of open-air drug markets is flagrant violence, particularly gun violence that occurs in neighborhoods." Law enforcement alone cannot solve the issues that lead people to sell or abuse drugs, he said. "The role that police can play in that …

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