Teenage Bodybuilders at Risk for Drug Abuse
Teenage bodybuilders at risk for drug abuse
Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers
Teenage boys who pump iron and pop steroids in hopes of improving their appearance may be at risk for binge drinking and drug abuse, a new study suggests. This kind … "But they are not trying to get thinner, they're using products to help them be …
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North Bergen asks residents to drop off unwanted medications
Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers
The division compiled federal statistics showing that 40 Americans die each day from overdosing on prescription painkiller, and the number of teens and adults who abuse prescription drugs exceeds the number using cocaine, hallucinogens and heroin …
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Inspired by Magic Johnson, Chris Paul takes giving back seriously
Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers
Not so last Friday, when my teenage son and daughter couldn't wait to tell me about a former NBA point guard who talked to their entire Connecticut high school that day about drug abuse. Maybe you're familiar with the story of Chris Herren. They weren't.
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