prescription painkiller

Is There a Pill for Both Adhd and Depression Combined?

Question by Anna: is there a pill for both adhd and depression combined?
and if im already diagnosed with adhd, can i get diagnosed for depression in one session?

and if im under 18 can i go to the doctor by myself?

and do medical clinics diagnose depression or would i have to get professionally tested?
and what would symptoms be if the illnesses were combined in a teenager?
i believe i took strattera in 4th grade, all 3 of them. it did nothing for me.
im currently on concerta, but have stopped taking it because it makes me more moody.

Best answer:

Answer by Chocolate milk
there is a pill called strattera that was made for depression, but they also use it for adhd.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Rav N KahanaAn Emotional Drama

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Moses is distraught — not because he killed the man, but rather, he was traumatized at the knowledge that Pharaoh, the man he loved as a father, is capable of this inhuman treatment to a people who did only good for the Egyptian nation. It is like …
Read more on Arutz Sheva


An epidemic of chronic pain

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

This may or may not do anything to reduce the prescription drug abuse problem in this country, but it will almost certainly hurt legitimate pain patients who need treatment. Essentially, we've got the picture backward. In terms of sheer numbers, the …
Read more on Boston Globe


Military Veterans Prone to Addiction – Suncoast Rehab Center Continues

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

From its inception, Suncoast Rehab has recognized the pervasiveness of substance abuse among veterans and responded by offering discounted treatment to those seeking help. Suncoast has … "Prescription painkiller addiction is a societal problem that …
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