porn addiction

Does Anyone Know of a Good, Valid Porn Addiction Hotline?

Question by Lady Tron: Does anyone know of a good, valid porn addiction hotline?
My husband is struggling and it is hurting our marriage. He yells and curses at me and the kids when his “alone time” is interrupted in the morning.

I’ve looked at sites online but they are either pay a fee for counseling lines or fake sites with porn on them. Getting frustrated. Does anyone know a real free help hot-line for porn addiction, and the families suffering from repercussions of a loved one’s addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Poppy Flower
I’m really sorry I couldnt find an addiction hotline, you’re not kidding, I spent 15 minutes searching and there is really nothing out there that is just a simple, free addiction hotline. But I did find this website… I hope it helps a little!

Sorry I couldnt help more. Good luck and I hope things get better between the both of you.

Answer by Hope

The hotline and website are free.

NEWLIFE is an organization that has a nationwide counselor referral with over 800 licensed counselors nationwide. Also available is weekly telephone counseling

Newlife also holds weekend seminars targeting a number of issues. One of those issues is Pornography Addiction

Online there is a resource section with helpful books on these same topics.
The book Every Man’s Battle is for the men
The book Every Heart Restored is for the wives.

Addiction help hotline — Rush WTAQ 06/03 recorded at DVR for radio. Choose from over 20000 radio shows – record free and listen when you like on PC or smartphone.

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