Question by runeknight94: DANGERS OF DRUG ABUSE?
i am trying to write a report well more like i have to write a report on the dangers of drug abuse and there are some topics they want me to cover like
The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction
Historical and current rehabilitation practices.
Both legal and illegal drugs
and i couldn’t find any websites that could help me or that i thought would help me and i was wondering if you could post some websites that might help. or if you could tell me some stuff about the topics ? oh and if some ones does it for me they will get 5/5 best answer lol na not really thanks
Oh this is for a 500 word report just to let yall no 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by ?
check out on google
Answer by hellzf8
Your questions and points of reference are astonishingly broad. The physical and emotional effects of drug addiction vary for each drug; if you talk about drugs in general you are looking at well over a hundred drugs you would have to research. Rehabilitation practices, too, vary based on what kind of drugs you are talking about.
Honestly, your research will last a couple days short of forever if you maintain such a broad topic. Try focusing on one or two drugs and research those drugs specifically. Or look at one drug family, which will help you look at both legal and illegal drugs. For example, if you look at the drug family of opiates you could research OxyContin or Morphine (legal drugs) and opium or heroine (illegal drugs). Or if you look at amphetamines you can look at Adderall (legal) and cocaine (illegal).
If you really can’t find any information regarding the subjects on the internet, check out your local library.
If you’re not feeling the whole literacy deal, call your nearest drug and alcohol treatment center and ask if you can set up a meeting to ask some questions. Or just drop by the center and raid their brochure/informational section for free information.
If your report is only 500 words, then you only need to pick one topic and one drug. I’d focus on the affects of drugs as opposed to the history of rehabilitation since anything involving history is guaranteed to produce more than 500 words.
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