METHADONE CLINICS! They Are Popping Up All Over the US! They Are Ruining Young People Everywhere! Agree?
Question by Big Lance!: METHADONE CLINICS! they are popping up all over the US! they are ruining young people everywhere! Agree?
or do you disagree and why? i have seen 3 methadone clinics in the greater cincinnati ohio area pop up and between them they have 12 thousand patients! why are so many people going on methadone? the crazy thing is that these clinics reward people with repeated dirty urines by increasing the methadone levels and thus creating a larger tolerance too a horrible drug! this stuff eats your bones/bone marrow/teeth and is hell too get off of! why would anyone abusing pain meds go too a methadone clinic and begin a longer road of opiate addiction too a drug 10x stronger! this place has people paying 500..00 a mo too be on methadone for 4yrs! if you abuse drugs and turn too methadone clinics and want off of methadone then what! yea, this is insanity as people are legally hooked on methadone with no end in site? cash at the window! there is a huge growing population of methadone patients in cincinnati ohio with no end in sight! imagine if you were a doctor and every single one of your patients was paying 500.00 a month! wow! the one clinic near the hollywood casino across the border in lawrenceburg ind has 5,000 patients that recieve methadone daily? how long can this continue? they never get off the stuff! its killing young people in car crashes nodding at the wheel, destroying people ev day!
Best answer:
Answer by xxCuteStuffxx
I totally agree my friends lil bro passed away off of that
Answer by chickenwing
I AGREE. about 9 years ago i hurt myself at work. i broke 2 vertebrae and 2 ribs. the doc put me on pain meds. the ribs heald but my back is still messed up. i started eating the perks like candy. then my doc put me on oxycotntin op. . they dont give you the rush that the perk 30s gave me but they help the pain. i wish i could work without them but i cant. what they need to do is make all opiam based meds like the op are. you cant chew them or snort them ( i never did) and for the love of god you cant put them in a needle. forget the bomb. drug abuse is slowly destroying america
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