heroin abuse

A Question About Rehab for Drugs…?

Question by Nicholas: A Question About Rehab for Drugs…?
My State does not provide patient with a good mental or rehab program, all that has been cut in Michigan. A friend of the family has gotten her kids taken away twice because of her drug problem. It looks like there is little hope, but I am trying to help. I know she has to go somewhere to get help but won’t do it. The question I have is in parts.. first, am I able to find a place out of state if its not available in my own and second, Is there a way to get her in without her walking through the door and emitting herself? Please help, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Anna Raymond
While you can enroll her in any rehab around the country, you unfortunately cannot make her go. The only way that she could be forced to go is if she is arrested for a drug related offense and the judge rules that she must attend a rehab facility. You may want to start calling the police when you know she is using to get her arrested under the hope that she would start to take her problem seriously and want to get help and become a better mother. Also unfortunately, rehab doesn’t work unless the person wants to be there. For instance, if you had an intervention and convinced her to go for her friends and family she would have a reason to begin and would eventually find a reason to be there for herself; but if she were somehow forced against her will she would do everything she needed to just to get out and use again. I know a lot of past users and this is how it is. Good luck to you, your friend, and her children.

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