drug tests

Is Nicotine a Drug?????

Question by HHH: Is nicotine a drug?????

Also, what schedule (in the US or Canada) is nicotine?

Best answer:

Answer by Dunkin
I quit using cocaine, alchol, and stopped gambling, but I can’t quit smoking. It is the most addictive drug out their

Answer by lalaland
Yep, addictive too.

MMA's Catch-22 Drug Trap: Why So Many Fighters Fall Into Addiction
(MMA competition can provide the stability necessary for a person to beat addiction. It can also create the physical and emotional chaos that leads to drugs in the first place.) By Santino DeFranco. For months I've wanted to get started on an article …
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Workplace drug tests won't catch all drug addictions
Overall drug use in the workplace continues to drop, according to the newest statistics from Diagnostic Laboratory Services, but there's still a problem. There are certain drugs, though legal, that are being abused and there's no way for a workplace to …
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A Medicine that May Cure Drug Addiction: Ibogaine — News from Kron 4, San Fransisco. Dr. Mash is one of the few scientists in the world to study ibogaine, a mild hallucinogen that comes from the root of a shru…

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