drug tests

What Prescription Pills Don’t Show Up on a 12 Panel Drug Test?

Question by Paige: what prescription pills don’t show up on a 12 panel drug test?
im doing a paper for my psychology class about teens abusing pills and one of my topics if how theres still pills out there teens who get drug tested still can get away with it…if theres any that don’t. . also what pills would get out of your system the quickest that you can get “high” off of. any other info you mite think would help me with my paper would help to

Best answer:

Answer by free_slyscafe
Well, it all depends on if they know when they’re going to be drug tested. There are such things as research chemicals, which will not show up on drug tests unless they are specifically looking for the metabolites of these research chemicals.

2C-E, for instance, one can buy on the internet without much question, and it gets you REALLY high if you were to ingest it or snort it. It lasts typically 8 hours, but doesn’t show up on drug tests.

The pills that will get out of your system the quickest are opiates (with the exception of heroin, which lasts longer), stimulants (amphetamines). Other things that are in your system for a relatively short amount of time are LSD, Cocaine, Mushrooms, DMT (no longer than a day), Ecstasy (about 3 to 5).

Pretty much everything but pot and steroids leaves your system within a week.

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