drug tests

County Delays Action on Hosts Who Allow Underage Drinking

County Delays Action on Hosts Who Allow Underage Drinking

Filed under: drug abuse help in orange county

Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer, a former police officer and prosecutor, proposed an ordinance and lined up testimonials from supporters, including Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens and a woman whose daughter was killed by a drunken driver …
Read more on Patch.com


Long-distance buses are cheap and surprisingly attractive options for travel

Filed under: drug abuse help in orange county

The recent rise of Megabus.com, a British company featuring bright blue and orange two-decker coaches that began service in Sacramento in 2012, has prompted Greyhound to expand and upgrade its service. The result is a boon to travelers. Both bus lines …
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Avoiding the 'plague' means random drug tests, expert says

Filed under: drug abuse help in orange county

Seeley said Orange County is one of the worst places for prescription drug abuse due to the volume of high-income households with access to the prescription drugs. Many students are finding the drugs in their parents' medicine cabinets or at their …
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