drug tests

How to Recover From Emotional Abuse?

Question by Alexa7575: How to recover from emotional abuse?
I was emotionally abused by my parents as a child and had a pretty messed up childhood. My first year in college really helped me to heal, but now that I am home for the summer, I keep having terrible flashbacks. I’m like that, like sometimes it takes even something little, like a sentence on a slide in class, that triggers an extreme emotional response (like sadness and crying). How can I come to terms with my past and learn to love myself?

Best answer:

Answer by Nathan
get therapy ><> fish!

Answer by gingersghost
It takes time. You’re growing into your own person, you control how others make you feel. A lot of people have issues with their parents, you just gotta find that place inside yourself that can block their negativity and put up a brave face. Many of us grit our teeth, smile and take it. You won’t change who they are so don’t try, and do not let it obliterate the progress you’ve made while you’ve been away 🙂

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