Are There Any Doctors in Michigan Who Prescribe Methadone for Addiction?
Question by : Are there any doctors in michigan who prescribe methadone for addiction?
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Answer by J Miller
No there isn’t. There isn’t any anywhere since prescribing methadone for addiction is illegal. Methadone for addiction can only be dispensed, never prescribed, in a methadone clinic that has received special permission from the federal government (SAMHSA). In some instances individual doctors can also dispense methadone in their offices if they are directly affiliated with a clinic and are working under their license or if they receive the license themselves. These doctors are called OBOT (office based opioid treatment) providers. Unfortunately there are so many hoops a doctor that wants to be an OBOT provider has to jump through so as a result there are only a handful OBOT providers in the country. To qualify for OBOT you also have to have been on methadone for at least 2 years with no dirty drug tests and be stable in general so if you’re a new patient the only option is to go to a methadone clinic.
If you want to be treated for opiate addiction in a doctor’s office you can try Suboxone. Suboxone and Subutex can be prescribed from a regular doctor’s office as long as the doctor is licensed to prescribe it.
PS. FYI regular doctors can prescribe methadone as much as they want but they can only prescribe it for pain, not addiction.
Answer by love
yes Dr.kutinsky in sterling heights mi 14 mile between ryan and dequinder hes great i messed up there but he will
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