drug abuse

What Are Peoples Veiws on Prescription Drug Addiction ?

Question by :o) bugsbee: What are peoples veiws on prescription drug addiction ?
im writting an opinion paper on prescription drug addiction…& i need help on some differnt veiws. are the doctors to blame ? Pharmacy ? Are there any “white coat dealers ”

Best answer:

Answer by Snake Charmer
The government is to blame. They are aware that many of these drugs are addictive but refuse to do anything about it b/c they want the pharmaceutical companies to make money.

Answer by cmira4
Prescription drug addiction is rampant and just as bad as being addicted to illicit drugs. Doctors are partly to blame for being loose with prescribing addictive medications. Doctors need to be very careful when prescribing so-called schedule drugs. Sometimes it is easier to get narcotics from a doctor than from the street, and that’s where doctors get in trouble with the law.

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