drug abuse treatment

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment — Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment This video on Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment…

States tackle spiraling drug costs
Under the new program, patients may fill a 15-day prescription for short-acting opioids and one additional 15-day supply, but later medication requests require member evaluations for addiction risk and treatment plan agreements with their prescribers …
Read more on FierceHealthPayer

Suboxone might be the most effective way to beat heroin addiction. So why is
While counties are obligated to provide treatment for those who can't pay for it, the treatment plan is designed around available dollars, not need, says Dr. Richard Brown, a UW expert on substance abuse treatment and screening. UW-MADISON. Dr. Richard …
Read more on La Crosse Tribune

For Heroin Treatment, Testing A New Drug And 'Peddling Hope'
“He asked me if I could come up with a plan for my release cause they didn't know exactly what to do with me, they were just holding me,” Daus said. “I offered to start the naltrexone.” To try to stay away from heroin and out of jail, … But Ray …
Read more on WBUR

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