Are Benzoylecgonine and Benzodiazepines the Same Thing?
Question by hotladi2269: Are benzoylecgonine and benzodiazepines the same thing?
If you have a prescription for xanax “zanax” and you are on probation, would it be possible to pass the cocaine drug screen portion of the test? I heard that a metabolite called benezoylecgonine can be detected after cocaine use…Is it also detected after “zanax” use?
Best answer:
Answer by macman
No. Benzodiazepines are sedative drugs – Valium being the most “well known” and kind of the father of all the others, including the more commonly prescribed newer drugs like Xanax, etc.
These will also show up on a drug screen (as long as they include it in the screen, which they usually do), but not as a positive for cocaine.
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