cancer drug

Bad News..?

Question by Kimie: Bad news..?
I just found out that my brother is Hiv Positive, will the virus adventualy kill him, or is it possible for him to live a long, productive life if he takes care of his body and takes his meds? It kills me to know that i might lose him to this disease. Please help me anser the questions that i have…i just wanna know, is his life over, or dose he have a chance.. “tears”

Best answer:

Answer by Chris E
it is now possible for people to live many years after diagnosis . the advances in medicine have prolonged the course of this disease

Answer by pixxieduste123
I think he has a chance. But, that’s not my call. Do you believe in God? Pray to him! See what He will tell you. The only thing is, he would never be able to help a woman have a baby. He could get her infected with HIV also.

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