SI-BONE, Inc. Announces 25000 iFuse Implant Milestone
SI-BONE, Inc. Announces 25000 iFuse Implant Milestone
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
In this selected population, there is a growing body of clinical experience and published literature showing that minimally invasive SI joint fusion is safe and effective for relieving symptoms of axial low back pain. … SI-BONE, Inc. received …
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LAT: A national model for mental illness recovery (Includes interview)
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
As Founder and CEO, Pete Linnett developed the Life Adjustment Team (LAT) which implements state-of-the-art comprehensive outpatient psychiatric rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment using evidence-based best practices in 1977. Their success …
Internet addiction ignored by society
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
Salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and relapse. Addiction commonly comes in these five distinct steps, starting with the obsessive phase of salience and ending in either sobriety or relapse, a return to the addicting substance.
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