Results of Kentucky Drug Law Remain Mixed

results of Kentucky drug law remain mixed

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Nearly four months after a controversial prescription drug law took effect in Kentucky, it's clear that the state is championing an aggressive campaign to clamp down on dozens of suspicious doctors and pain management clinics. It's less clear, though …
Read more on The Courier-Journal


Jail vs. drug treatment

Filed under: drug addiction definition

If it wasn't for the problem that treatment is only successful in remedying drug and alcohol addiction probably less than 10 percent of the time, the letter writer who insisted we should spend more money on it would have a point. The treatment industry …
Read more on Arizona Republic


Tangled Web: Is it possible to be addicted to the Internet?

Filed under: drug addiction definition

reporter: he punched a hole in this wall? brooke says her son is an addict hooked not on drugs or alcohol but internet games . how did you decide it is an addiction and not just a bad habit or something that adolescent boy is going through? >> because …