Recovering From Drug Abuse?
Question by Miller: recovering from drug abuse?
I’ve been addicted to numerous drugs for the past 4 years ….everythig from weed, XTC, acid, coke,crack…you name it …i’ve been clean for 5 months and still everyday all i can think of is drugs long will this last …will my mind ever be drug free?
Best answer:
Answer by Kitty Kat
Congratulations on being clean for so long! Addictions are hard to fight.
Your best bet would be to seek couseling from a substance abuse counselor. If you can’t afford that, try AA or NA. It really helps to have some peer support and be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing.
Do you have any hobbies? Maybe start a new one to keep your mind off of the drugs.
Also, stay away from people who use and places where you used to use. It sucks to give up some of your friends, but they really aren’t your friends if they don’t respect the fact that you are clean now.
Good luck!
Answer by D 1
Keep fighting it, as long as you have the will power and you WANT to quit, try drinking lots of water, and maybe a martial art or another hobby that you might like. Try getting in shape and working out. Keep your body and mind busy. But don’t give up.
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