Proof That Scientology’s Claims About Vitamins Curing Mental Problems Are Fake?
Question by Eye see!: Proof that Scientology’s claims about vitamins curing mental problems are fake?
If their claims of vitamins being cures/treatments for illness’s like schizophrenia were true then the vitamin industry would be keen to promote the proof as they would sell a whole lot more vitamins if that were the case. So, therefore there’s the proof that the claims must be incorrect because no industry is going keep quiet about provable benefits from it’s products! Also I would think that the NHS would also start suply them as they would be cheaper than the medications they have to provide!
In response to jenienla. Jeremy Perkins ring any bells? A paranoid schizophrenic whos mother, a scientologist, allowed him only to be treated with vitams as with in keeping with scientologists anti psychiary believes, he ended up stabing her seventy severn times. See this at:
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Answer by Candy
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