My Uncle Is on Depression and Drugs at the Same time..HELP?

Question by sadrielle: My uncle is on depression and drugs at the same time..HELP?
Hello everyone,
I come here to ask for help.
My uncle has depression therefore has started consuming drugs. He’s been like this for 5-6 months and won’t seek help. My aunt wants to leave him as he’s even becoming dangerous. Anyone know how she can help him get out of this trash? They live in L.A so I’m wondering if there’s any rehab places there!! Anyone that has gone through this I would really appreciate your experience. Thank you all!

Best answer:

Answer by Erica
Hello, I am sorry to hear about your situation. The good news is that there are tons of excellent treatment options in LA! Here is a website that can help you find treatment in your area for substance abuse….

There are also good places for dual diagnosis (depression and addiction) such as …

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