My Son Is Having a Panic Attack?

Question by Brenda: My son is having a panic attack?
my son got into some cannabis brownies i baked with my wife for a work party tomorrow night, he’s 9 years old and bright young kid. We’ve never talked with him about drugs and have yet to tell him exactly what he’s eaten. from my understanding, he ate about 1 and half brownie 30 minutes ago and is currently experiencing what he’s saying are, “crickets chirping all over his skin”. He’s obviously in a bit of discomfort, and we made him a bologna and cheese sandwich with some warm milk. What do we say to calm him down? Please hurry

Best answer:

Answer by Jess
Tell him his parents are idiots, beg for his forgiveness and GET HIM TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM you f’ing moron!

Answer by fdd
Give him night quill to knock him out

Experts: Heroin becoming bigger problem in Houston
HOUSTON (KTRK) — The death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has put a new face on heroin addiction, sparking a national dialogue about the deadly drug. Heroin is becoming a bigger problem here in Houston. So what is behind the deadly drug's …

Source: Justin Bieber, dad ignored pilot's demand to put pot away
The official asked not to be identified. Marijuana smoke was so strong in the jet's cabin that flight crew members put on oxygen masks because they were concerned they might inhale so much it would cause them to test positive for drug use, said the source.
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