Liberal Bullying and the War on Testosterone

Liberal Bullying and the War on Testosterone

Filed under: drug addiction definition

But like so many other things in our culture today, the definition of what constitutes “bullying” is all over the map and has become entwined with issues as far ranging as weapons and sexual harassment. … We've tamped down the testosterone …
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High risk and no reward for the 'in-betweens' of Burma's sex industry

Filed under: drug addiction definition

The legal definition of a brothel was broadened in 1998 to include any place used habitually for sex work, which Murphy says was in response to a surge in the number of massage parlours and karaoke lounges. “A lot of our outreach workers are told: 'We …
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2013 brings pleasant, unpleasant surprises in film

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Matthew McConaughey plays Woodroof, a drug-addicted, homophobic cowboy who is infected with HIV through unprotected sex. With AIDS medications … “American Hustle” is the definition of an all-star cast, at least in my book. Bradley Cooper, Christian …
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