Is There Any Way I Can Make My Pothead Boyfriend Quit?

Question by Carilynn Treadway: Is there any way I can make my pothead boyfriend quit?
I have been with my boyfriend for a year. I love him, and I don’t want to lose him, but he smokes pot every day, more than once a day. It seems like he cares more about the pot than he does me, even though he tells me “I love you more than anything, I want to be with you forever” and that stuff. He tells me how it “helps” with all these things, and its not a drug. He is very lazy, and at 31 years old, he still works at his dead end job as a dishwasher, and only ever talks about getting a better job. We want to get married, and have kids, but he always tells me he wants to wait until he has a better job. And I don’t want my kids to be around pot, ever. Is there anything I can do to make him see what it’s doing to him, and to me?

Best answer:

Answer by jacqui
If you sit down and talk to him, explaine what it is doing to you and how it makes you feel.
If he loves and cares about you like he says he does, he will try and stop.
Obviously it won’t be straight away, it will take time, but if you just stay by his side and help him and he cooperates I’m sure everything will work out fine.
Good luck

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