Inmates Not Always Treated for Addiction, Mental Illness

Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness. By – Kyle Campbell. Published: 06/03/2013. MICHIGAN – Unpredictable behavior, irrationality, confusion, loss of control: all are symptoms of mental illness and signs of drug abuse.


Jindal signs bill aimed at rehabilitating nonviolent drug offenders and

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

The shift to rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment for low-risk offenders is expected to save $ 6 million next year, in a state with repeated budget shortfalls and with more people in prison per capita than any other state in the nation. Savings …
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Nigeria: Sleeping Pill Addiction

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

If they were to stop using these sleeping pills they would not only have to battle a mental compulsion, but also go through physical withdrawal symptoms. People can abuse a substance for a period of their life without becoming physically addicted to it.


20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

If you could get 70 percent of Americans addicted to your drugs and rake in $ 280 billion a year in the process, would you do it? If you Pharmaceutical-Drugs-Photo-by-Tom-Varco-300×300 could come up with a “pill for every problem” and charge Americans …
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