In the Short Story “Goblin Market,” Who Are the Goblins Supposed to Represent?
Question by BklynzWhitestRican: In the short story “Goblin Market,” who are the goblins supposed to represent?
i read it and i think that they’re supposed to represent temptation, but i’m unsure since this story could have several hidden meanings. any help?
Best answer:
Answer by lorna56dave
its clear allusions to Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit, and temptation,
Other scholars – most notably Herbert Tucker – view the poem as a critique on the rise of advertising in precapitalist England, with the goblins utilizing clever marketing tactics to seduce Laura. J. Hartman, among others, has pointed out the paralles between Laura’s experience and the experience of drug addiction.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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