If a Person Gets Hit by a Taser. What Is the First Aid Treatment for It?
Question by Bridget A: If a person gets hit by a taser. what is the first aid treatment for it?
I have read on news articles about people getting zapped with tasers and wondered how people are treated for being tasered?
thanks, I had seen an episode once on a show called “Strong Medicine, where a child was tasered in class and the kid died because he had a ‘heart problem.{the school was a little ‘hot’ on the trigger’ in this instance as the kid in question had ADHD and was hyperactive and wouldn’t sit down.so kid got zapped.
I know those these things do hurt. So could a person be hit by one and not know it?
Best answer:
Answer by Brian
What normally happens is blood work is taken, an ekg and chest xray are done. If anything is off then a treatment is applied. More often then not most people are fine. The people that die from tasers are normally on drugs.
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