I Need Help With My Drug Addiction, but Have a Problem With 12 Step Groups!!!?

Question by Kim T: I need help with my drug addiction, but have a problem with 12 step groups!!!?
I have been using drugs for years. I was clean for almost a year and was going to meetings but had a hard time believing everything they preached, such as you have to go for the rest of your life, don’t think, don’t ask questions, and if you don’t believe in a higher power you are basically doomed. Any suggestions out there as to an alternative to AA and NA. I really want help…

Best answer:

Answer by beth s
you need to change many things in life get in a sober environment only hang out with sober people i personally don’t feel everyone must attend for the rest of your life i had a really bad coke addiction and i no longer go to meetings it can be hard sometime but you just have to know that the sober rd is always a better rd and you really have to want it if you never need someone to talk to you can always reach me on yahoo messenger best of luck

Answer by moms worried
You need to c a counselor and just take one day at a time. If u can quit for a year then you can quit for good. Try to deal with problems as they come and stop trying to escape life. These problems are still there when u come down and still need to be dealt with good luck to you.

Tonganoxie churches offering drug abuse support groups
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the First Congregational Church, Fourth and Shawnee streets. Narcotics Anonymous meets at 8 p.m. Thursdays at the Tonganoxie Friends Church, 402 Shawnee.
Read more on Tonganoxie Mirror

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