I Feel Like I Don’t Belong?

Question by HawaiianMoke: I feel like I don’t belong?
Well what I mean when I say I feel like I don’t belong is that I really can’t stand my family. In fact the only one in my family I really love is my dog. First is my Dad. He’s a single parent. My mom was a drug addict and alcoholic and me and my older brother and younger sister got taken away from her when I was about 4. She used to make me and my brother wash clothes in the tub with dawn and scrub it with our feet. Can you imagine that? A four year old doing that? Sometimes she wouldn’t even feed us and once my brother ate dog food. Well Child Protective Services took us away and gave our Dad full custody. My Dad isn’t on drugs or anything but he just hates me. He and my older brother and drama growing up too. My dad never pays attention to me. I come home with a report card full of A’s and all he says is “Wow. And why should I care?” . Nothing I do impresses him. He just spoils my younger sister who’s four years younger than me. I’m 17 and she’s 13. Once he was like “What do you want for dinner?” and I said, “I feel like eating tacos”. Then my dad goes, “Well I wasn’t asking you”. So my sister got to decide. He also always blames me for everything. It was my sister’s turn to take out the trash and she didn’t so he yelled at me. He didn’t even yell at her. Next I’ll talk about my sister. She always gives me attitude. She can never say anything nice. I buy a new shirt and she’s all like, “It’s ugly”. If I ask her a question she ignores me even though i’m right next to her. She doesn’t do any of her chores unless I remind her, and she bugs me more when my Dad spoils her. Next is my aunt which is my Dad’s sister. She doesnt live with us but she’s always at our house! She goes to work and right after she’s finished she comes to our house and stays till after dinner. She eats dinner at our house every night, takes a shower and uses all the hot water, and keeps all her crap at our house. It irritates me because she doesnt pay rent, she doesn’t even live here! She bosses me around too. I know I dont really have a mother figure but I don’t want one. she thinks she’s my mother. And she thinks our house is her House!!! Once she was sick so she came to our house. She slept on the couch in the living room spreading all her germs everywhere! Then she makes all of us sick. But when my other aunt comes over she’s all like “go home! i’m sick so you guys should stay home!” WTF? They’re OUR guests. IT’s OUR house not yours! There’s so much I’ve put up with through the years that I’m glad I’m almost 18 so I can move far far away from my miserable house. Like I said, I only really love my dog. I can’t stand anyone else…Any advice for me?
BTW i have no idea why this is under the gay/lesbian category lol!

Best answer:

Answer by Rosey
Hi honey, you sound like a really good “kid” to me! I have 3 sons, and i feel very sorry for you at this moment! There is first your mom being absent from her disease of addiction, then you have the dad who makes you responsible for everything because you’re the oldest. He spoils the youngest, right on cue! She acts just like daddy, because he spoils her , and since dad treats you with disrespect, she mimics his behaviour and acts the same way. Your aunts you have no control over. Apparently your dad and his sisters struck a deal that they should be around to help, and be a womanly presence in your sister’s life, and be the “mother” you all don’t have. Even if there was no “deal”, its essentially what happened anyway. They took it upon themselves to “help” out , and it got so routine, that now they “live” with their brother.They are mooching off your dad, and he is spoiling them too. Do you look like your dad or your mom? Anyway, you are almost 18, and you can leave, but make sure you have a good job and a working car before you leave. God bless you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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