I Believe a Counselor I Was Seeing Abused Me, Can I Sue Her Financially?
Question by journeyinprogress: I believe a counselor I was seeing abused me, can I sue her financially?
This counselor worked in an organization(Alliance) that helps homeless people suffering from mental health problems. I have a history of drug addiction, but also need to be on narcotics for chronic pain. This counselor manipulated me into giving her my meds for what she said were horrible migraines. I felt terrible for her and I did`nt always need to take my immediate release pain med so I had some to spare and I gave them to her. Ever since the first time , she called me sounding really ill and crying asking me if I could spare her some more pain meds. I stopped seeing her and eventually stopped taking her phone calls. I need to continue therapy for my own health, but feel I can`t trust anyone. I already had severe trust issues and have no friends.She pretended to be my friend even though she said this was not allowed in a therapeutic relationship.I have recorded phone messages where she is sounding terrible and asking for me to give her more “help” for her pain.What can I do legally?
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