How to Stop Addiction to Internet?
Question by Bonys: how to stop addiction to internet?
How to use internet without getting addicted and spending long time searching or jumping from page to page and find out you spend hours and at the end you don’t find the answear you was looking at the start
Best answer:
Answer by jonnierodsg
Stop posting questions on Yahoo! Just kidding. But seriously, can you solve a problem with the problem?
It’s like any other addiction, I deal with it too. Ask yourself what hole the addiction is filling and fill it with something else. Are you on the web because you’re avoiding something? Face it. Are you on the web because you’re lonely? Find real friends. Just killing time? Find a hobby.
Answer by luci
im addicted to the internet too and it pisses me off. just try to find other things to do. and when u find yourself thinking about the internet just think of how much time it takes up from your life
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