Help for an Addict? and Seraqel?

Question by : help for an addict? and seraqel?
i’m 25. my 26 y/o brother is addicted to heroin.
just looking for somebody to point me in the right direction on how to get him help. los angeles or hawaii area if possible. i’m ready to take immediate action to get him help. i’m a marine, just recently got home, and he’s in another state. he cannot live on base with me, and i can’t keep an eye on him. we do not have other family members to look out for him.

also. he’s taking a drug called seraquel (sp?). he’ll appear to be using again, but claims it’s the seraquel. anybody with experience with this drug? it has put him in the hospital, and i can’t imagine he would be prescribed it. (though he has a habit of getting his hands on drugs that don’t belong to him). are the side effects this dramatic, or should i be looking into this?

thanks in advanced for any answers. appreciate it.
i’m sure i could probably get answers to these questions from more appropriate sites, but i’d love actual opinions and suggestions. i’m very concerned for him, and have never dealt with anything like this before. not at all my area of expertise.
thanks again. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Anama
Here is a link to Seroquel:

Has he been diagnosed as bipolar? You may want to make sure those are really his, if you can.

As for rehab in LA. I would suggest you search ‘rehab centers LA california” several should pop up. You can also check with the LA social services department to see what is publically available.
I am so sorry that you are going through this. Please understand that as much as you want to help your brother, not a lot is going to change until he wants it for himself. My best friend just went through this with her brother. He has been an addict for almost 20 years. Addiction is both mental and physical, so he has a long, hard road out of this.
Blessings to you both and good luck!

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