Gunplay Talks About His Cocaine Addiction

Gunplay Talks About His Cocaine Addiction

Filed under: cocaine addiction help

Gunplay isn't shy about his drug history. In an interview with MTV, the Maybach Music Group rapper was frank and forthcoming about his past, explaining that he was struggling with addiction for several years. "I was on cocaine since, like, 10 years, 12 …
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Susan Granger's review of 'The Bling Ring'

Filed under: cocaine addiction help

The latter three are home-schooled by their ditsy mom (Leslie Mann), the curriculum from the self-help best-seller "The Secret." After consulting … As a result, there's too little about the consequences of inept parenting and cocaine addiction …
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Cocaine: Reading between the lines: The history of the drug

Filed under: cocaine addiction help

Initially thought to be a wonder drug, in the late 19th century cocaine was a key ingredient in medicines used to combat asthma, dysentery, sore nipples, syphilis and – ironically – to fight opium addiction. It was regulated in the U.S. and Britain …
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