Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Was Given the Star Treatment When He Visited

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was given the star treatment when he visited

Filed under: free drug rehab

FORMER Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was mobbed by hundreds of supporters who chanted his name and posed for photographs when he visited Fairfield last Friday. The former Labor leader was in the region for two prime reasons – to attend a leadership day …
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Province denies City of Regina's request to raise petition signature threshold

Filed under: free drug rehab

Provincial Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter has refused the city's request that more signatures be needed to force a referendum over the waste water treatment plant. Reiter on Tuesday denied city clerk Joni Swidnicki's request — that health …
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Mayor Jones' son can get bail reduced if he enters treatment

Filed under: free drug rehab

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A judge agreed to ease bail for the mayor of Charleston's son on Monday if he enrolls in a residential drug treatment facility in Huntington. Zachary Francis Jones, 23, the son of Mayor Danny Jones, was charged with possession of …
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Beauty by the Numbers: The Makeover Treatment

Filed under: free drug rehab

Beauty by the Numbers: The Makeover Treatment. June 18, 2013 Lifestyle. “Extra” was with two women who got complete makeovers with the help of celebrity stylist Sally Hershberger, colorist Carlos Rodriguez, makeup expert Carol Shaw and fashion expert …
Read more on Extra