Drug Addiction: Is It Really Worth the Cost?


Drug Addiction: Is it really worth the cost? – http://DrugRehabConsulting.com – Honestly you probably spend more money on your addiction than you spend on your recovery. So cast the money issue as a lame …


Group receives federal grant

Filed under: free drug addiction help

With funding from Drug-Free Community grants since 2007, the coalition has successfully worked with all sectors of the community to help bring about a positive change making youth substance abuse less acceptable, less desirable and less accessible to …
Read more on Santa Ynez Valley News


Groups seek solutions to area's prescription drug abuse epidemic

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Medications can also be used to help addicts adapt to the absence of the drug and help people focus on therapy and counseling. Rehab doesn't always work. In many cases, people will find themselves relapsing and going back to the addiction lifestyle.
Read more on Kingsport Times News


Dane launches street magazine to help drug users fund their habit

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Olsen, who is known in Copenhagen for his work trying to help addicts rebuild their lives, said that eight would be selling the magazine this weekend, but that he expected many more to join up in coming days. "As a civil society we cannot decide to …
Read more on The Guardian