Drug Abuse, Narcotics Awareness on Agenda

Drug abuse, narcotics awareness on agenda

Filed under: drug abuse help

“We want to reach out to as many people as we can to help educate them about drug abuse and the kinds of narcotics that are being misused,” Bitomske said. The topics covered will include prescription drug abuse, pill parties, distribution, reporting …
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Inside-Out: Cape Inmates prepare to re-enter society

Filed under: drug abuse help

The men are housed in what is commonly referred to as the Shock Unit, which is the jail's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment unit that is separated from the BCCF's general population. With up to 72 males in the unit, it operates as a peer model program.
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'Army will not be sent to deal with teens'

Filed under: drug abuse help

JP Smith, mayoral committee member for safety and security, said the city had spent R82 million on drug treatment clinics and R24m on programmes dealing with gang violence. “There are some serious issues we are facing, such as low conviction rates, and …
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Lamar Odom Is Not Missing, But Is Probably Abusing Drugs

Filed under: drug abuse help

Allegedly, friends are trying to convince him to seek help for a substance abuse problem. ESPN reports: Free-agent forward Lamar Odom is in a Los Angeles hotel, where friends are trying to get him help for an unspecified drug problem, a source told …
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