Do You Think the Poor Would Burn Down Their Neighborhoods & Riot in America?

Question by TROUBLE: Do you think the poor would burn down their neighborhoods & riot in America?
if they had to take entitlement cuts or is the drug induced coma’s they’re in make them not care?
Yes I have heard of the LA riots and that had NOTHING to do with entitlement cuts.

Best answer:

Answer by RockIt
They regularly do. Then complain when the burned out Supermarket is gone and nobody wants to move in. They scream I have to travel great distances to shop!! or pay high prices at the local bodega with limited choice and old produce

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Turkey announces new plan to fight narcotics

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Drug abuse has reached unprecedented levels in Turkey over the past few years, and with reports indicating that most users start taking drugs in primary school a number of state agencies have launched a new plan to fight illegal narcotics and substance …


DEA Marijuana Raids Plummet, But Not For The Reason You Might Think

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We must stop criminalising drug users. Health and treatment should be offered to drug users – not prison. Bad drugs policies affect literally hundreds of thousands of individuals and communities across the world. We need to provide medical help to …
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