Do You Think Parents Are Too Overprotective These Days?

Question by Lauren: Do you think parents are too overprotective these days?
I think so completely. Reading many questions and answers, parents won’t let their 15 year old son ride his bike out of their block, I have read answers that say they only let their 14 year old online without the parent supervising, and I have read many answers that say they won’t let their 15 year old watch almost all rated R movies, and have parental blocks on the TV.

There has been so many parents who have answered questions similar, and identical to this. I this its outrageous of how many parents don’t let loose on their children. You can care for them…But you don’t need to be THAT overprotective.

Me, being a mom of a 14 year old son. If he is using the computer I might ask him if there are any problems with the internet, or if he is watching an R rated movie in the living room, since I know he has no problem with any movies, I just say go watch it in your own room or ew how can you watch that?

Its time to let go moms……No parental blocks for a 14 year old..

Best answer:

Answer by VN33
No I think the opposite of these days. You should of saw them back in the day. It wasn’t pretty.

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