Definition of Drugs

Definition of Drugs — A short video outlining definitions of drugs and reasons why people choose to use drugs.

The marijuana debate
While I believe that the rights of all citizens should be protected, we should not abandon the centuries-old definition of marriage just because the West is doing it. Certainly, there is a lot of things America and the West does that we can and must …
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The Dangerous Myth That Only White Women Get Eating Disorders
For all the information and raised awareness, the stereotype won't die—eating disorders are a white-woman problem. And it's not just a false … Her disordered eating ceased, but she continued cutting and began abusing drugs and alcohol. She …
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Ethics, Morality And A Ticking Clock For How To Report On The R**skins
This course I recommend is necessarily messy, but it reflects how the accepted meaning of the name is being questioned and is in transition: changing, but not enough for NPR to put a moral stake in the ground and ban the name altogether. Yet. While …
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