Could You Help Me to My Research Paper All About Drug Addiction?
by Renegade98
Question by nicole perez p: Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic
Best answer:
Answer by Amanda D
there are all kinds of drug addictions….
pot, coke, meth…..pick one….
all three cause family issues, there is also the pressure from friends to do it (mostly pot). and mostly in high school kids. there are lots of websites that can help you research it.
Answer by darchangel_3
Hmm I guess I cant be of any help.. none of those issues you mention really had anything to do with it in my case.. I just liked the drugs.. Sorry..
A deadly habit: Prescription drugs leading cause of overdose deaths in Larimer …
In 2007, 27,000 people nationally died from prescription drug overdoses, leading federal heath officials to call prescription drug abuse “the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States.” The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
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Rx Drug Overdose Is Leading Cause Of Unnatural Death In Westmoreland Co.
Our drug overdose deaths now … is the No.1 cause of unnatural death in this county.” But those are 2013 statistics. The hope is that the problem will improve in 2014. However, it's not gotten off to a good start. So far, as we reach the half-way point …
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