Can’t Sleep I’m Becoming a ZOMBYYYYYY!?

Question by hgowwnadflj: Can’t sleep I’m becoming a ZOMBYYYYYY!?
Hey people. I can never ever (I may be exagerating a liiiiittle…) sleep! I don’t need any of that ‘lay back, relax, deep breaths’ nonsense. I’m sure it has worked for some people but it just doesn’t do it for me. I could really use some tips on how to get to sleep fast, fast, FAST!!
I’ll appreciate any help I can get, thankyou!

Best answer:

I guess if it’s that bad you need to take some kind of medicine…ask a doctor.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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Correctional Treatment Specialist (Drug Abuse Treatment Specialist) – Department Of Justice – Victorville, CA -… – by CAJobDaddy (California Job Daddy)