Can You Have an Addiction-Prone Personality?
Question by Lotte T: Can you have an addiction-prone personality?
I should be able to answer this question myself, given my profession, but when it comes to yourself it can be hard to see clearly. My problem is I always overdo things. Earlier in my life I drank too much, but thankfully I lost interest 4 years ago. At the moment I’m adddicted to cigarettes (by far the worst, I know), diet pepsi (I drink about 4 litres a day), ebay (can’t really afford it) and now Yahoo Answers. I’ve always had some kind of addiction in my life from I was about 20. Do you think it’s possible to change this? It seems like when I quit one thing another one immediately pops up.
Best answer:
Answer by jaemers24
You need to learn other ways to cope. Build a sstem of support aroung you. Join a support group. I am a little ocd, but for me Yahoo answers is so mindless and I need a little time to do “nothing” personally. Good luck! And yes, you sound a little bit like you have an addictive personality-I do too. It ain’t so bad….
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