Buzzkill: Experts Say More Young Women Are Starting to Binge on Booze

Buzzkill: Experts say more young women are starting to binge on booze

Filed under: drug addiction help sites

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say it's an under-recognized problem among women and girls. According to a January CDC report, about 13 … "The one in particular was .37, and it's very possible that if her friend didn't …


Corrected: Dalton Police say man had K in heroin inside car with two blown

Filed under: drug addiction help sites

He denied drinking, having taken any medications, or taking any drugs. When Walton was taken out of the vehicle to perform field sobriety tests, officers noticed fresh bruising on his arms consistent with intravenous drug use. He failed two sobriety tests.
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JB Van Hollen: Work against heroin addiction by sharing The Fly Effect

Filed under: drug addiction help sites

You can see their stories at The Fly Effect website. Hear how Mandy transitioned from abusing Oxycontin as a teenager to abusing … Many other young people across Wisconsin have died from overdosing on this hideous drug, which is more addictive, more …
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